Christian Lawyer - Seattle, Washington
Looking for a Christian Car Accident Lawyer in Washington? Have you have seriously injured in an accident? You will find that having an experienced lawyer by your side will help you seek maximum compensation for your injuries.
To be connected with a Christian Lawyer in your area call 1-800-669-4878.
"The Righteous care about justice for the poor"
Proverbs 29:7
$43,000,000 - Spinal Cord Injury
$22,000,000 - Young Girl Burned
$12,500,000 - Disability Case
$7,500,000 - Car Accident
$6,300,000 - Injured Car Passenger
$2,940,000 - Missed Diagnoses
Please provide as much information as possible about your case so that we can adequately process your inquiry.
Christian Car Accident Lawyer in Seattle, Washington
• City 704,352
• Rank 18th US
• Metro 3,733,580
King County
Car Accident Statistics
- Symptoms arising from injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents were once thought to present immediately following the accident. However, research and clinic experience now demonstrate that a delay of symptom onset seems to be the norm. Also, delay of symptom onset does not eliminate the possibility of severe injury.
- According to the National Safety Council (NSA), there are more than 6 million motor vehicle accidents annually including more than 12 million vehicles. Of these nonfatal accidents approximately 2 million are disabling injuries including approximately 1 million work-related auto disabling injuries.
- The US Department of Transportation estimates that the typical driver will have a near automobile accident one to two times per month and all will be in a collision of some type on average of every 6 years.
- Every 12 minutes, one person dies because of a car accident. Every 14 seconds, a car accident results in an injured victim.
Kristen Taormina
Serving the state of Washington
Daniel Buttafuoco
Seattle, WA
Copyright © 1981-2013
Please note that you are not considered a client until you have signed a retainer agreement and your case has been accepted by us.
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