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When you consider the 311,591,917 people who live throughout the United States and the many thousands of attorneys and law firms that serve these people, finding the right lawyer may seem a somewhat daunting task. That is why we built this directory of Christian Attorneys. We wished to help people throughout the U.S. locate and compare Christian attorneys who would be able to address their various legal needs.
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$43,000,000 - Spinal Cord Injury
$22,000,000 - Young Girl Burned
$12,500,000 - Disability Case
$4,700,000 - Medical Malpractice
$4,500,000 - Traumatic Brain Injury
$2,940,000 - Missed Diagnoses
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When seriously injured in an accident or when your trust in a doctor is compromised due to a medical malpractice it is difficult to know where to turn and what to do next. Often times injured victims are not aware of their right to seek financial compensation to cover building medical bills and lost earnings. A Christian Attorney can help point you in the right direction by addressing your concerns and answering your questions.
If you have been injured by the negligence of another you should find an experienced Christian attorney in your area and call for a free consultation right away. You can use our directory to find a Christian Attorney in your area or call 1-800-669-4878 to be connected to a Christian attorney today.
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Please note that you are not considered a client until you have signed a retainer agreement and your case has been accepted by us.
Prior results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter. Attorney Advertising
Lacey from Chicago, IL: " pointed me to a Christian attorney that made me comfortable and confident"
Dan from NY: "As a Christian Attorney, I look at my practice as a ministry that allows me to help others. Your site helps me connect with other Christians in need."
Sarah from San Francisco, CA: "My husband and I didn't know where to turn and was at peace when we found your site. Thank you for helping us find a christian attorney in our area."
Mike from Jersey City, NJ: "Finding my attorney through your site made me realize how important Christian Attorneys really are. I pray this site helps others like it did me."